10 September 2014

Rainbow Youth's Contribution to the Subverting of New Zealand Culture

New Zealand (NZ) and other Western countries are in the throes of a covert, ideologically driven agenda to subvert all Judeo Christian traditional values. The homosexual “rights” movement is a major component of this treacherous phenomenon, and a common campaign tactic is to exploit the concept of “safety” (offering young people a “safe environment” etc.) but in that context it actually means “freedom from hearing any criticism of, or warnings about, homosexuality”!

In NZ, among the purveyors of such fraudulent tactics – and even taxpayer funded to boot – is Rainbow Youth. In May 2014 came news that the group was piloting in Whangarei “a new support group for young people questioning their sexual identity,” to be known as the “I’m Local” project… “It wants to work with schools, community centres, hospitals, doctors, libraries and marae.”(1) Etc.

Established as Auckland Lesbian and Gay Youth (ALGY) at Easter 1989, in 1995 the group became an incorporated society and was renamed Rainbow Youth. As at 3rd December 1989, on an Access Radio homosexual programme, ALGY was described thus: One of the vital things of ALGY is self esteem and the building up of self confidence of the young people who come along. One of its main functions is to provide a safe and supportive environment for young people “to have fun and discuss politics, or whatever.”(emphasis added)

On 12th July 1991 the NZ Herald reported a furore after ALGY  had been given a $26,000.00 grant by the Lotteries Board to have two homosexuals go into Auckland secondary schools. On 15th July the Herald and the Auckland Star joined the criticism in their editorials. In the Sunday Star of 28th July 1991 ALGY member Shaun Hawthorne was revealed as one of those two homosexuals.

He was also an “agony aunt” on the homosexual radio programme “In The Pink” on 95bFM as from 7th July 1991. In the above 28th July item Hawthorne was quoted thus : “Becoming a homosexual is not a decision anyone takes lightly.” On 25th August 1991 on 95bFM he encouraged promiscuity by declaring  “There is nothing wrong with short-term relationships.” Etc.

In 1993 ALGY organized an August 22nd Forum to plan a fresh move into high schools…”to run assertiveness workshops on suicide prevention, coming out at high school, dealing with your parents, Christian and gay youth” etc. ALGY lesbian activist Pip Brown discussed the coming Forum on Radio GALA 3rd August 1993 on Auckland Access Radio. Action suggestions were to include : “Perhaps attend the August 22nd Forum, even under pretext of being parent of a homosexual.” (Emphasis added)
On 11th February 1999, as Rainbow Youth, the group was part of a political protest outside the Baptist Tabernacle in Queen Street Auckland. This, protesting an advertisement in the previous day’s NZ Herald by Stop Promoting Homosexuality  International (NZ), who were opposing the coming homosexual HERO Parade.

How political strategies of the homosexual movement change over time

Examples of NZ lobbying with a clear ring of recruitment can be found as far back as the 1970’s, such as :-
  1. In 1979 the (then) NZ National Gay Rights Coalition (NGRC) were responsible for the insinuating into some Christchurch secondary schools a leaflet entitled “On Being Homosexual”. It included eight “advantages” of being homosexual.(2) A founder member of NGRC was a Christchurch teacher, Robin Duff, who by 2007 was President of the NZ PPTA. (See more on this shortly)
  2. On Radio Pacific 20th May 1979 on the Jon Osman talkback programme three lesbians were featured, proclaiming “You can choose to be gay!” One of them was a Christchurch teacher named Judith Emms, also a member, with Robin Duff, of the NZ NGRC.
  3. By 1982 the Family Planning Association (FPA) was encouraging homosexual activity with its sex education kit for children as young as thirteen years. In Unit 5 on Contraception, page 7, it declared matter-of-factly : “Of course, if you have sexual relations with someone of the same sex there is no need for contraception.”
With examples of  moral corruption such as this masquerading as legitimate education,  we should hardly wonder, then, at NZ’s high youth suicide rate. Yet the likes of Rainbow Youth  even have the audacity to get into schools, presuming to be running “assertiveness workshops in suicide prevention”, as already mentioned.

In the 1970’s, of course, the homosexual political lobby was quite openly socialist in its blaming of “capitalism” for all its woes, with emphasis on the pursuit of “liberation, struggle” etc. A quote:-

            We have written articles and position papers that trumpet loudly for the abolition of sexism in all its forms; denounced capitalism as the prime force in gay oppression, and referred to the need  for the establishment of a socialist society….” (3)

 Since then, however, there has occurred a sea change in political strategy, with subsequent inherent deceit. From raucous demands for “liberation from capitalist oppression”, the strategy now is to emphasise suffering victimhood, which demands sympathy and, from opponents, a sense of guilt.

This revolutionary change has come about since the 1980’s. It was then, in 1987, that two American homosexual marketers, Marshall Kirk and Erastes Pill, released their crafty blueprint for revolutionary change entitled The Overhauling of Straight America. Number two of a “media campaign to change the image of gays in America” was to “Portray gays as victims, not as aggressive challengers.” A quote:-

“In any campaign to win over the public, gays must be cast as victims in need of protection so that straights will be inclined  by reflex to assume the role of protector. If gays are presented, instead, as a strong and prideful tribe promoting a rigidly nonconformist and deviant lifestyle, they are more likely to be seen as a public menace that justifies resistance and oppression . For that reason we must resist the temptation to strut our ‘gay pride’ publicly when it conflicts with the Gay Victim image.

“There are two different messages about the Gay Victim that are worth communicating. First, the mainstream should be told that gays are victims of fate, in the sense that most never had a choice to accept or reject their sexual preference. [sic] The message must read : ‘As far as gays can tell they were born gay, just as you were born heterosexual, white or black or bright or athletic. Nobody ever tricked or seduced them; they never made a choice, and are not morally blameworthy. What they do isn’t willfully contrary – it’s only natural for them. This twist of fate could as easily have happened to you!’

“The second message would portray gays as victims of society. The straight majority does not recognise the suffering it brings to the lives of gays and must be shown graphic pictures of brutalised gays; dramatisations of job and housing insecurity, loss of child custody, and public humiliation; and the dismal list goes on.” Etc. (4) – (emphasis added)

Pursuit of “support groups” and “safe” environments based on false pretences

            It will hardly be just coincidence that Rainbow Youth, as ALGY, began its life in 1989, just after the 1987 publication of that blockbuster Kirk and Pills plot for the shift in strategy from being anti-capitalist to one of  “gay victimhood”. Fast forward now to 9th September 2008 when, on Rainbow Youth’s website, it discussed ways of creating “queer straight alliance groups in schools”, and rationalised this ideological exploiting of the concept of “safety”, thus :-

                “All students need a safe learning environment to thrive. The United Charter of Rights for Children  states : ‘Every child has the right to an education and the right to be safe.’ Section 60 of the Education Act 1989 directs that schools ensure that their pupils are safe emotionally and physically. Schools are also required  to analyse in what ways pupils are not safe, and in what ways (they) are inhibited from learning. (United Nations, 1989 as cited in Sullivan 2000). For more information about this contact Judie Alison from the NZ PPTA to obtain a booklet called ‘Affirming Diversity of Sexualities in the School Community’.”

Yet that booklet, published in 2001, and the work of homosexual teachers at the PPTA, and therefore with a heavy pro-homosexual bias, surely could only lead enquiring youth to further confusion. After all, it had been the work of the PPTA’s Advisory Committee on homosexual issues – the Safe Schools Task Force. Established in 2001 it comprised : convenor, Robin Duff ( to become President by 2007, and a homosexual activist since the 1970’s), lesbian secretary Judie Alison, (then) President, and Jo Belgrave, Hamilton G.H.S. teacher.

So for that reason alone, the overall credibility of that booklet should have been in question. One aspect of it was of particular concern to me : the specious and  fraudulent assertion that “Some people still confuse  [that is, link] homosexuality with pedophilia”, as if the two are not intrinsically linked. After all, my dictionary lists “pederasty/paederasty (as) homosexual relations between men and boys.” (5)

So, as secretary of the (now defunct) Credo Society Inc., on  30th March 2001 I wrote to secretary Alison to protest about  this outright falsehood, and – considering the pamphlet’s educational source – its numerous  spelling errors also. No reply was ever received, either to that letter or to two further attempts I  subsequently made.
So much, then, for Rainbow Youth’s rationale for having “queer straight alliance groups” in NZ schools, thousands of which now flourish in the USA : namely, that “all students need a safe learning environment to thrive”. Of course, it all depends on what is meant by “safe learning environment”, clearly not what the average person deems it to mean, as we shall also see in the following.

The American situation : the same only more advanced

Linda Harvey of Mission America, on “safety” as in homosexual political activism : “Traditional minded kids and Christian kids are now being insulted for believing that homosexuality is unnatural and deviant. So then we install a new definition of ‘safety’, and this  is the reality of anti-bullying bills passed in Maine, in Iowa, in California, and proposed in a bill to Congress right now [as at 2009] that ‘safety’ is freedom from hearing any criticism of, or warnings about, homosexuality…..That, my friends, is one of the new idea ‘anti-bullying’ tactics towards creating ‘safe’ schools. (emphasis added)

“The education profession [in USA] is managing to get away with this manipulation…More and more programmes are linking all disapproval of homosexuality, or even cross dressing and sex change,  with violence or potential violence.”etc.(6)

Sonja Dalton of Mission America on the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network (GLSEN). Founded by Kevin Jennings who, as at 2009, was to head “Safe Schools” in the Obama Administration, as Assistant Deputy Secretary, Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools. Dalton quotes Linda Harvey : “ ‘In his own writings and books listed on the GLSEN website, I’ve reported,  Kevin Jennings has given tacit nods of approval to sex between young teens and adults….the writings and books seem to normalise early teen same-sex sexual behaviour. This is educational malpractice’.”

Dalton further quoted Linda Harvey : “‘Kevin Jennings founded the first ‘gay/straight alliance’.[GSA] GLSEN promotes homosexuality, bisexuality, transgenderism, queer and questioning ‘fluidity’, in schools, kindergartens, through college.’”(7)

“Day of Silence” (DOS) One of many Jennings political initiatives, it has been in USA schools since 2001. Commentator J. Matt Barber wrote :  “On April 25th [2008] GLSEN held their annual ‘Day of Silence’ propaganda push [when] teachers and students in roughly three thousand middle schools, high schools and colleges across the country are cynically used as culture war pawns in an effort to legitimise conventionally immoral, objectively deviant, and demonstrably high risk sexual behaviours.

“Kids and teachers are [thus] encouraged to disrupt the school day by refusing to speak in class as a show of support to students who self identify as ‘GLBT’. The reality is  that DOS has very little to do with ‘bullying’ and has everything to do with pro-homosexual, anti-Christian indoctrination.. During DOS many kids who hold time-honoured traditional values relative to sexual morality are frequently and ironically tagged as ‘hateful’, ‘bigoted’ and ‘homophobic’ Who’s doing the bullying?” (8)

Class credit for keeping quiet. “A high school in New Hampshire recently [2010] awarded credits towards graduation for students who participated in a national school-based observance for homosexual rights. Officials at Bedford High School gave credit for a course called ‘Real World Learning’ for students who remained silent all day long in class on the ‘Day of Silence’. This has stirred protest from parents.” Etc.(9)

Transgenderism. Another bizarre homosexual political issue in the USA, but now also emerging in NZ – see below. Earlier I quoted the “anti-bullying” bill passed in Maine in 2009, which was only achieved through devious and deceitful manipulation of the language; namely through the bogus definition of what constituted safety. Now, several years later, the US state of Maine has become one of many litigating battlegrounds around this further issue.

A biological male who, we are told, “identified” as a female at age two (sic) who is now 16 year old Nicole Maines, had been using the girls’ toilet at school, until the parent of a boy complained, upon which “she” was told to use an adult toilet. Nicole’s parents then complained of “discrimination”, thus initiating a major legal wrangle, but ably assisted by a Boston-based Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders’ Rights Project. Now Maine Supreme Court has ruled in Nicole’s favour. Schools across USA are now grappling with farcical issues such as this. (10)

Transgender activism in NZ

While the pernicious issue of transgenderism is now becoming entrenched in the USA it is hardly surprising that we in NZ hear little or nothing of it in our largely leftist news media. Indeed it is really only thanks to the NZ lobby Family First that we are alerted to this latest insidious influence which, clearly, will all be part of the “gay” agenda. (11)

They reported that Rainbow Youth had been in collaboration with the University of Auckland’s Adolescent Health  Research Group, in research entitled  “The Health and Well-Being of Transgender High School Students”.(12) Predictably, one of its “recommendations” is that “changing rooms should be ‘safe’ (sic) environments”. Equally deceptive is Rainbow Youth’s interpretation of events : “The research shows just how tough life is for trans youth!”(13)

Clearly, many young people, as well as families and wider communities, and even nations,  are being grievously manipulated and misled, as schools are covertly used by such social change agents posing as saviours and mentors, under the pretext of offering “safe environments”. Interestingly, Rainbow Youth’s general manager Duncan Matthews, when newly appointed in 2013, bragged “I am good at managing people.”(14)

Disturbingly, alongside the youth-directed chatty patter of that item lurked information of a vastly different kind, and far nearer to the real nitty gritty of the homosexual lifestyle : advertisements for male homosexual bath houses. Discreetly in microscopic-sized type were lists of certain lewd and decadent “services” available, such as “dungeons”, “sucktoriums” and the like.
Funding for what, and by whom?

Government and  various other funding sources need to be called to account over their financial support for such pernicious and deceitful activism. An example on 4th June 2010 was when National’s Auckland Central MP  Nikki Kaye announced in a press release her “pleasure” that Rainbow Youth was to receive $5,000.00 of Government funding “to deliver education workshops in Auckland schools…The work that (they) undertake in schools aims to create a safer [sic] environment for young people. The workshops help people gain a greater understanding of sexual orientation and gender identity.. The Services for Young People Fund is designed to help young people reach their potential [sic], stay on track for success, and have a say in their local communities.” Sheer balderdash, of course!

Also, the Rainbow Youth website on 9th September 2008 read : “Proudly sponsored” by such as (then) Auckland City Council and the NZ Lottery Grants Board. Under “Gay/Transgender/Straight (queer) Groups in Schools” there was also considerable detail on this. It included workshops on “Heterosexism and Homophobia” and “How to be a drag king/queen” etc.!

As well, in discussion ideas : “In what ways can your group get involved in politics with regard to lobbying for legislative changes?” etc. This, surely, proof of what the activism is really all about : the radicalising of youth for the ideological cause. Further suggestions included “Guests could speak on ‘reconciling spirituality and sexuality…Influential speakers could include drag queens” etc.!

Also on funding : Nowhere, surely, is the burgeoning bureaucracy of the “gay rights” movement better illustrated than by quoting from the abovementioned University of Auckland transgender “research” in collaboration with Rainbow Youth, where funding sources are listed as “Ministries of Youth Development, Social Development, Health, Education and Justice, and the Department of Labour, the Families Commission and the Alcohol Advisory Council.
Covert, ideologically driven agenda

Clearly,  the evidence is undeniable that a covert, ideologically driven, United Nations-linked agenda is operating here to subvert Western Judeo Christian cultural values, and that the homosexual issue is an integral part of this. Many people do see this of course, both in NZ and overseas.

Here in NZ author and publisher Ian Wishart has written the explosive Eve’s Bite, whose cover reads : “Seductive, deceptive and dangerous : the Trojan Horse ideologies poisoning our country and destroying the West.” According to Wikipedia : “In [this] book Wishart argues that NZ society is being ‘poisoned’, and the Western world as a whole undermined ‘by seductive and destructive philosophies and social engineering that within the space of a generation have intellectually crippled the greatest civilisation the world has ever seen.’” Moreover its back cover bears favourable comments from such as the Northern Advocate, NZ Herald, NZ Listener  and Evening Standard. Yet the grim irony is that Wishart’s book, and this crucial public issue, remain largely unacknowledged, let alone discussed,  by New Zealand’s mainstream media, seemingly to be avoided at all cost. (15)

Overseas, American lesbian, and former highly influential member of  the women’s and homosexual political movements, Tammy Bruce,  in 2003 wrote The Death of Right and Wrong, a powerful and damning examination of what she variously terms  the “Left Elite”, or “Cultural Elite”, or “Feminist and Gay Elites”.(In NZ for speaking engagements in July 2005, barely a whiff of this, of course, was to reach the public). Referring to a particularly outrageous miscarriage of justice, she wrote :-

                “How does the Left Elite indoctrinate decent, thoughtful people into accepting, as an example, that some killers are victims and deserve to be set free? Keep in mind, I speak of the Elite not necessarily as a cabal, but as a group of people who share basic assumptions, a world view. One now-accomplished goal is the brainwashing of society into believing that because of the colour of their skin, or their gender, or their sexual preference, some in our ‘multi-cultural society’ can never be understood by others, making judgement and punishment inappropriate.

                “The corollaries are that traditional concepts of responsibility are outdated, and that expecting others to behave with dignity, and expecting society to recognise the concepts of right and wrong, is contrary to the ideal of liberty. Every idea, every act, has the same value – none is more worthy than another. And judgement? That, of all intellectual actions, is heresy in this bacchanalian world.”

Also : “While  the religious are marginalised as ‘right-wing fanatics’, ‘extremists’, or ‘intolerant neoconservatives’, the conditioning of the general public into moral relativism continues. We are told that gay men need to be ‘understood’, yet the gay community is full of men who are sexual compulsives, having hundreds of sex partners a year while spreading an incurable disease or two.” Etc.(16)

Also overseas : Russia’s seemingly moral renewal

Take Christian organisation United Families International, on the remarkable and astonishing  moral renewal occurring in Russia; where, in 2013, a law was passed banning the promotion of homosexual propaganda to young people under 18 years, or the holding of homosexual rallies.-

            What has occurred in Russia over the last 90 years is a perfect case in point, that the destruction of the family and the tenets of liberalism and secularism, in all their facets, cannot stand the test of time. The Russians have tried it. They know it doesn’t work. Russia now knows the importance of the family and traditional values/morals and they are changing laws and public policies to reflect that crucial understanding.(17)

Similarly from Christian commentator Pat Buchanan, who recalled a speech Vladimir Putin had made in December 2013 “where the former KGB chief spoke of Russia standing against a decadent West.” He quotes Putin:-

                “Many Euro-Atlantic countries have moved away from their roots, including Christian values. Policies are being pursued that place on the same level a multi-child family and a same-sex partnership, a faith in God and a belief in Satan. This is the path to degradation.”

Buchanan continued : “With Marxism-Leninism a dead faith, Putin is saying the new ideological struggle is between a debauched West led by the USA and the traditionalist world Russia would be proud to lead.(18)

“When Putin refers to ‘Euro-Atlantic countries’ moving away from their roots he will almost certainly have in mind those yielding to pressure to conform to international obligations in the area of human rights and minority rights in particular. In a 2013 report from Moscow about the criticism of Russia’s ban on homosexual propaganda, ‘Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov defended the bill in February, saying Russia doesn’t have any international or European commitment to allow [sic] the propaganda of homosexuality’.”(19)

The implication of that appears to be that countries which have so conformed have done so only because of some UN obligation to do so. This certainly appears to have been the case with various European Union member countries in recent times, with their major moral shifts in homosexual-related legislation.

Similarly with the seemingly charmed life of the homosexual lobby in countries such as  the USA, from the Obama Administration down, Canada, Australia, etc. Here in NZ also, of course, with sweeping pro-homosexual and other legislative changes, and the likes of Rainbow Youth being taxpayer funded to infiltrate the education system with its subversive propaganda, and to be even lauded by elected MP’s such as Nikki Kaye for doing so.
“Report from Moscow

Two quotes from American Christian campaigner Pastor Scott Lively, in his 2013 Report From Moscow, where he was helping to plan the World Congress of Families VIII, due to occur there in September 2014:-

·          “Americans tend to still equate Russia with communism, without  realising that Russia was a deeply Christian country until the communists swept into power by force, and then kept an iron grip on the population through brutality. Just as the ‘progressive’ movement has done in the US. [and also in NZ, of course] the ‘progressives’ of the Soviet system used their control of media, education and other key institutions to brainwash the children with communist propaganda to win a majority of the population to Soviet ideology over time, but they never fully stamped out Christianity. Russia is today experiencing a Christian revival and is decidedly not communist. Some 30,000 churches have been built in the last year.”

·          “How incredibly ironic it is that Russia is now our best hope for stopping the conquest of the world by the ‘progressives’. On [Archpriest Smirnov] Father Dimitri’s television show I made the point that the Americans and the Soviets both won and both lost the Cold War. The Americans broke the Soviet system through economic strategies and tactics. But before they collapsed the Soviets poisoned the US [and many other countries, including NZ] with cultural Marxism, [aka political correctness] promoting moral degeneracy and family breakdown through so-called ‘progressive’ ideology. Today, post-Soviet Russia is re-emerging as a Christian nation, while the US is becoming a ‘Gay Soviet Union’. What a strange turn of events.” (20)

Given the evidence, surely only a fool, or one in collusion, would deny that we in the West are facing a heinous revolution in culture; that even in the area of homosexual political activism alone, the NZ education system encourages morally corrupting influences, general permissiveness, and bogus “safe environments”. This in turn must sew seeds of confusion and even mental disorder, with risk of youth suicide. Ironically, then, we have the farce and contradiction of publicly funded Rainbow Youth in schools under the treacherous and devious guise of suicide prevention! This is simply unscrupulous exploiting of youth for the ideological cause.

However, ironically this is NZ and not Russia, so the spreading of toxic homosexual propaganda persists, with such as the NZ Herald sly rant “Change starts in the classroom” by a nonentity named Josh Wright, “part of a team of young people starting a campaign called ‘Let’s talk about sex’”! (21) Most certainly the general news media has much to answer for; to say nothing of our political and educational leaders and people of influence in general.


1.        “’WhangaReinbow’ offers support”. Whangarei Leader 27th May 2014.
2.        Reported in Concerned Parents’ Association Newsletter, April/May 1979.
3.        Excerpt from “Some questions on Gay Liberation” in aequus, Gay Liberation Front, Christchurch, May 1976, Vol. 3, Number 4.
4.        In Guide Magazine, November 1987.
5.        “Pederasty [or] paederasty : homosexual relations between men and boys” in Collins Dictionary and Thesaurus 1991.
6.        Linda Harvey of Mission America, in a speech to Americans For Truth in Chicago in 2009. www.missionamerica.com
7.        Sonja Dalton : “Who is Kevin Jennings, and why you should care”. www.missionamerica.com 6th July 2009, and quoting Linda Harvey from World Net Daily – no date supplied.
8.        J. Matt Barber : “Kids say ‘Enough with the gay stuff!’” – Concerned Women For America, 1st May 2008. http://www.cwfa.org
9.        Class credit for keeping quiet” : Kevin Smith, executive director Cornerstone Action in New Hampshire : www.OneNewsNow.com 29th April 2010.
10.     “Bathroom ban violated transgender student’s rights”. http://nbcnews.com 31st Jan. 2014.
11.     “Push for gender confusion in schools” : Family First Lobby media release 31st July 2014.
12.     “The Health and Well-Being of Transgender High School Students : Results from the NZ Adolescent Health Survey (Youth ’12)”; T.C.Clark et al, Journal of Adolescent Health 55 (2014) pp93-99.
13.     “Schools offered trans-inclusive ideas” – www.gayNZ.com 30th July 2014.
14.     “Meet Rainbow Youth’s new General Manager” – www.gayNZ.com 7th Sept. 2013.
15.     Eve’s Bite, Ian Wishart.(HATM Pub.Ltd. 2007. www.evesbite.com
16.     The Death of Right and Wrong : Tammy Bruce. Three Rivers Press New York 2003
17.     Carol Soelberg, President United Families International , UFI Alert, 7th June 2013.
18.     Pat Buchanan  “Whose side is God on now?” Townhall.com 4th April 2014.
19.     “Russian lawmakers pass anti-gay bill banning ‘propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations’ in 436-0 vote” – Jason Howerton, 11th June 2013, Moscow. (The Blaze/AP)
20.     Scott Lively Ministries’ Report From Moscow, posted 18th October 2013. www.scottlively.net/2013/10/18report-from-moscow/
21.     NZ Herald 3rd September 2014, pageA27.

Barbara Faithfull B.A.(Psych.Anthr.)
11th September 2014

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