21 October 2012

"Promotion of Homosexuality a Threat to National Security"

Just as New Zealand’s Parliament  is about to vote on the question of legalising homosexual “marriage”, why do Russia and the Ukraine outlaw even any promotion of homosexuality?  Because they believe the spread of homosexuality is a threat to national security.

There is indisputable evidence that over the past few decades there has been a systematic attack  on traditional cultural values in the West, and I contend that an integral part of this has been, and is, a Socialist-based promotion of the homosexual lifestyle. Later I have evidence that such pernicious subverting of culture – known as the culture war -  seems to be permitted only in the West, never in Socialist countries, because of its insidious threat to destroy the family and risk to national security.

Such a  focus upon the West now even sees demands for legislation for homosexual “marriage” and adoption; a far cry, of course, from the time when homosexuality was classified  in psychiatric literature as a behaviour disorder. Indeed, it was only after  dogged and fanatical “gay rights” political pressure was exerted upon the American Psychiatric Association (APA) that such classification was removed in the early 1970’s.(1)

So since then there has been a treacherous and gargantuan leap in the West to  promote homosexuality  as a “valid lifestyle”, and even   with homosexual proselytizing in schools,  costly mass public “pride” events etc. Indeed, in February 2013 the ratepayers of Auckland, New Zealand, will be forced to contribute $100.000.00 for a thirteen day “Pride Festival” and “Pride Parade”, much to the disgust of many.

Opposing such  revolutionary change has long been the reparative therapy movement, with many in the mental health field practising what is known as conversion therapy.  As a result many have renounced their homosexuality, much to the wrath of the homosexual lobby.

From the 1970’s a major influence in this field has been the California-based National Association for Research and Therapy on Homosexuality (NARTH). A 1978 article by its past president,  Charles W. Socarides M.D., The Sexual Deviations and the Diagnostic Manual, and still available,  documents the scandalous developments leading to the APA’s  capitulation to the early 1970’s bullying tactics of the homosexual lobby.(2).

Spanish psychiatrist Enrique Rojas is another who holds to the reparative therapy view,  declaring homosexuality to be  “a clinical process that has an etiology, pathogeny,
treatment and cure”. (3)  Speaking on 30th April 2008 at a Buenos Aires, Argentina, book fair, about his book Goodbye Depression, Rojas characterised  homosexual orientation as a “disorder” rather than an illness, and sees it as the result of an absent father, overweening mother, or sexual abuse in childhood.

He blasted the homosexual movement for promoting the development of homosexual tendencies in young people, and particularly condemned the practice of allowing homosexual couples to adopt children…..the child is deprived of the right to grow up “in a normal environment, heterosexual, which is the standard”, he said. “Heterosexuality is what is normal, the natural condition of human beings.” He said according to studies from the U.S., Canada and New Zealand there is a 70-80 percent chance that a child adopted by homosexuals will develop the same tendencies..

Not that people in those countries are likely to be informed of this by their largely leftist-oriented media. Now, to compound such revolutionary, anti-social trends comes the astonishing news that California State has banned reparative or conversion therapy for minors.(4) The law will prohibit sexual orientation change efforts for anyone under 18 and will “stop children from being psychologically abused” according to  Democrat Senator Ted Lieu of his bill SB1172. He : “The therapies have no basis in science or medicine.” etc.

Predictably the homosexual lobby “welcomes” this development and calls the practice of conversion therapy “dangerous, because it can put youth at higher risk of  depression and suicide”…The homosexual Human Rights Campaign “is grateful to Governor (Jerry) Brown for standing for California’s children” etc. ran some nauseating diatribe.

Some religious groups and Republicans, however, fear such a  move will hinder parents’ right to provide psychological care for children experiencing gender confusion, while NARTH  sums up this move thus : that Lieu’s claims of harm to children (from therapy) “were based on politics, not research”.

A similar  response came from Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel : “The California  Governor and legislature are putting their own preconceived notions and political ideology ahead of children and their right to get access to counselling that meets their needs.”.(5)

For sure political ideology will have driven that revolutionary piece of legislation, and of course, in order to serve the  ends of the homosexual lobby and their fellow Socialists.

Now, however, for the explosive news to which I referred earlier, and which we in the West can be fairly  sure will never be reported by our mainly pro-left, pro-homosexual media, and it is this. In a 10th October 2012 report came news that in Russia and the Ukraine politicians are treating homosexuality like a curable addiction and even a crime.(6).

It reads : “Last week, acting on a widespread popular belief that sexual orientation is a matter of indoctrination, the Ukrainian Parliament gave its preliminary approval  to a bill that makes ‘propaganda of homosexuality’ a criminal offence punishable by a fine of about $10,000.00 or as many as five years in prison. The spread of homosexuality is a threat to national security, because it propagates the HIV/AIDS epidemic, destroys the family, and could lead to a demographic crisis.” etc.(Emphasis added)

So I see an astonishing paradox here. On the one hand, presumably as part of the Socialist subverting of the West’s traditional cultural values, in the West it is anathema to regard homosexuality as a behaviour disorder, and (in some instances) to permit conversion  therapy for the treating of it as such. At the same time, there is limitless promotion of the homosexual lifestyle, even to the extent of current demands for homosexual “marriage” and adoption, and all in the spurious  causes of “anti-discrimination” and “equality”.

Yet on the other hand we find that currently Socialist nations such as Russia and the Ukraine are outlawing even the most basic of homosexual political activism, the “propaganda of homosexuality” – and never mind homosexual “marriage” and adoption – as a threat to national security and to the family! Also, they are treating homosexuality  “like a curable addiction” and even  a crime!

So here, surely, we have irrefutable evidence of how the traditional cultural values of the West are being deliberately subverted. In the case of demands for  homosexual “marriage” it is driven by the pernicious and covert exploiting of political grievances of the international militant homosexual lobby.

As for  Socialist  motivation behind this, and other homosexual political activism,  ironically it will most likely be for the very  same, but admittedly perverse, reason given for outlawing such  culturally subversive moves in Russia and the Ukraine : because such an attack on marriage  is a threat to family stability!  

Let us hope that our NZ legislators, and others also in the West, may get to see through this devilish intrigue before it is too late.

20th October 2012

  1. Re A.P.A. : In 1973 and from  the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM)
  2. The Annals of Homosexuality. http://www.narth.com/docs/annals.html
  3. “Eminent Psychiatrist says Homosexuality is a Disorder that can be cured” – LifeSiteNews.com 1 May 2008. Matthew Cullinan Hoffman.
  4. California law bans gay teen ‘conversion’ therapy” – Asstd Press 1 Oct.2012 – Yahoo News
  5. “Christian legal aid group to challenge California’s new ban on gay conversion therapy” – WordNews 1 Oct. 2012. http://wordnews.org
  6. “ ‘Curing’ Homosexuality in Russia and Ukraine” by Leonid Bershidsky, 10 October 2012. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-10-10/-curing-homosexuality-in-russia-and-ukraine.html


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