31 August 2012

Legislation by Stealth

On 29th August, in the NZ Parliamentary homosexual “marriage” debate, devious and deceitful supporting argument for the bill was that young homosexual suicides resulted through the need for such legislation. Oh! The irony!


Earlier that same day I had posted comment, with indisputable evidence, on how NZ’s FPA had over the years actually encouraged youngsters to become homosexual through pernicious sex education.(“FPA’s Toxic legacy”)

I also have on record on my blog  KiwiCredo (http://KiwiCredo.blogspot.com)  hard evidence of such perverse encouragement coming from homosexual political activists themselves, such as : “You can choose to be gay” and “Eight advantages of being homosexual”.(See “Introduction, Part I, Looking Back”)

So much for the heinous falsehoods presented by the likes of Green MP and  seasoned homosexual  political strategist  Kevin Hague in Parliament in order to have passed the homosexual “marriage” bill.

If, as claimed,  there is a high rate of suicide among young homosexuals – and given the facts, this should hardly be surprising – the finger of suspicion surely should be pointed at the social change agents responsible, such as FPA, homosexual political activists and their fellow travellers, rather than at some craftily concocted bogus pretext such as marriage legislation to further the international homosexual political agenda.


1 comment:

  1. 1. I don't believe the claim that young adult homosexuals commit suicide at 5 times the rate of heterosexuals. No such figure was mentioned in the Ministry of Health's latest suicide research. Men commit suicide at 4.6 times the rate of women.

    2. I have never come across anyone who has become homosexual by being encouraged to do so. Homosexual traits are evident in people from early childhood. It is possible though that experimentation with homosexuality may be encouraged.
