12 May 2013

Lesbian activist admits homosexual "marriage" campaign a fraud

With so many media reports of jubilation over New Zealand’s 17th April 2013 Parliamentary vote for homosexual “marriage”, and similarly around the world, I wait in vain for a dollop of balance and honesty on this issue. To be fair and accurate it would need to reveal the monstrously fraudulent nature of this issue. After all, it is covert and ideologically driven, and with its real objective - now finally admitted -  being to attack and undermine the institution of marriage and the traditional family unit. That, in turn, clearly being part of a far wider Leftist subversion of Western culture itself.

There is copious evidence attesting to the fraudulent nature of the homosexual “marriage” issue, from 1970’s examples of homosexual activists actually scorning and attacking marriage, to the more recent ruse of demanding marriage “equality”.

Firstly, evidence of earlier  anti-marriage campaigning:-

  1. Some quotes from Australian commentator Bill Muehlenberg.:-
(a)    “The truth is, early gay radicals campaigned against marriage, not for it. : ‘Marriage is a rotten, oppressive institution’ said the 1970 Gay Manifesto.”
(b)   “ ‘Homosexuals are in revolt against the nuclear family structure’ said the influential Gay is Good tract  of 1972.” (1)

2.In 1979 three Auckland feminist founders of Women’s Refuge – Joy Florence, Bronwyn Banks and Jenny Ruth – admitted in their book He said he loved me really
: “Halfway House [as it was then known] was conceived by some Auckland feminists as a tactic towards our liberation. Basically we wished to attack the institution of marriage and salvage what womanity (sic) we could  in the process.”

  1. “Marriage, apart from restricting your emotional and sexual experience with other people, can also be very destructive for the two people involved. They are both going to have feelings for  other people.” (2)

Evidence of later pro-marriage homosexual campaigning:-

By 1996 the homosexual political agenda was having a remarkable change of direction in this respect in NZ, with one example of this being much publicity  of six lesbians seeking the “right” to marry. However, there was also a group calling itself Lesbians Who Do Not Want a Bar of It. (3)

One of the abovementioned six lesbians was Lindsay Quilter (later Zelf) who, two months later, was on record with this highly revealing admission :-

            “When homosexual couples can also enter into the legal definition of marriage, i.e. if a homosexual couple who don’t live together, who don’t share their money, who don’t  share their property, and yet are in law married, they have already altered the shape  of the legal definition of marriage”.(4)

By 1998 there was further discussion on this issue on the Radio NZ Kim Hill Show, when she interviewed Mike Gabbard, US campaigner for the Stop Promoting Homosexuality International organization. He pointed out that group marriage was part of the wider homosexual political agenda :  “One of 17 demands put forth in 1972 at a Chicago convention was that homosexual “marriage” be legalized, and with no restriction on numbers involved.” (5)

By 2011 the NZ Herald was reporting “Celebs champion open marriage”, which included a report of a man living with two women. He: “We’re not a couple, we’re a triple.” (6)

Given the above evidence, any reasonable person would surely agree that in the past few decades there has been a monumental change regarding attitudes towards the institution of marriage and the family by the homosexual movement and Leftist activism in general, from fanatically attacking it as “a rotten oppressive institution”, to now hypocritically demanding the “right” to marry.

However, now at long last comes a whiff of honesty, an actual admission by a homosexual activist that the frenzied push to that end has all been a pack of lies, a deliberate duping of the masses.

It now seems that in 2012, and well before the NZ Parliament’s 17th April vote for homosexual “marriage”, a  lesbian activist and author, Masha Gesson, had admitted on US radio that  the homosexual agenda is actually “to redefine the institution of marriage and eventually eliminate it. It is going to change and it should change. I don’t think it should exist..” (7)

So how about some  journalistic responsibility, some honest, truly objective reporting on this crucial issue for a change from our scandalously biased news media? In the meantime I won’t be holding my breath waiting.

1.        In “Obliterating Parenthood and Families” in News Weekly 2nd March 2013.
2.        In a “Homosexuality and Education” pamphlet circulated to some Christchurch schools by the (then) newly formed National Gay Rights Coalition of NZ, (NGRC) as reported in Concerned Parents’ Association Newsletter of April/May 1979. A member of the (then) NGRC executive was named as Christchurch teacher Robin Duff, now, in 2013,  Immediate Past President of the NZPPTA. Also in that pamphlet were listed eight “advantages” of being homosexual.
3.        As discussed on the Kim Hill Show, Radio NZ, on 27th February 1996.
4.        In an interview  with Lindsay Quilter on the  homosexual G & T Show, Access Radio Auckland, 25th April 1996.
5.        Kim Hill Show, Radio NZ, 25th February 1998.
6.        “Celebs champion open marriage” by Joanne Carroll and Gillian Orr, NZ Herald.co.nz, 18th December 2011.
7.        Source: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/lifematters/why-get-married/4058506  Written by Micah Clark 6th April 2013 : “Homosexual activist admits true purpose of battle is to destroy marriage”. Also on 29th April 2013 as reported on the  US Glenn Beck TV programme, where a recording of the  Masha Gessen speech was played.